UPCOMING 2023 Workshops →
JanUARY 11 - FeBRUARY 01, 2023
multi-week workshop / Center for Visual Arts
26100 Old 41 Road, Bonita Springs, FL (239) 495-8989
Class Title: Learn Abstract Painting with Acrylics
4 Wednesdays, 01/11/23 – 02/01/23 1:00 pm-4:00pm
Have you ever had an interest in abstract painting? Would you like to paint with more freedom or feeling? This inspiring class with instructor Mila Apperlo concentrates on composition, techniques, form, texture and color. Students will develop their own artistic vision, find inspiration in both nature and light and learn new techniques using acrylic paints. They will also learn that experimentation is vital to the creative process. Enjoying the act of painting is just as important as the outcome! Skill level: All.
1903 14th Ave, Vero Beach, FL (239) 495-8989
Class Title: Abstract and Beyond
02/11/23 – 02/12/23 9:30 pm-4:30pm
This inspiring class offers a fundamental exploration of the beauty of an abstract painting. Instruction concentrates on composition, techniques, form, texture, and color. When painting intuitively, a painter may begin with a subject and allow it to transform beyond into a non-objective painting. This class will focus on the process of beginning a painting and exploring options to take it “beyond” abstraction. Surfaces will be enhanced with textures made with pastels, water-based crayons, charcoal, and collage. Demonstrations of techniques and tools (palette knife, rollers ) will offer new ideas to painters. Class begins with exercises on a large pad of paper and then small and large canvasses, acrylics only. No previous experience required. Skill level: All.
585 Park Street Naples, FL (239) 262-6517
Class Title: Introduction to Abstract Painting
2/13/2023-2/14/2023 9AM - 4 PM
Journey through different aspects of abstract painting and find what works for you as an artist. Mila demonstrates painting intuitively by tapping into emotions instead of using recognizable imagery. This practical, fun, and process-oriented workshop will guide you to confidence, clarity and freedom of expression in your art. If you're looking to uncover and develop what's unique about YOUR artistic voice or to loosen up your art, you will find it in this workshop. Feedback & encouragement will be provided to all students.No previous experience required. Skill level: All.
FEBRUARY 23 - MARCH 16, 2023
Center for Visual Arts multi-week workshop
26100 Old 41 Road, Bonita Springs, FL (239) 495-8989
Class Title: Learn Abstract Painting with Acrylics
4 Thursdays, 02/23/23 – 03/16/23 1:00 pm-4:00pm
Have you ever had an interest in abstract painting? Would you like to paint with more freedom or feeling? This inspiring class with instructor Mila Apperlo concentrates on composition, techniques, form, texture and color. Students will develop their own artistic vision, find inspiration in both nature and light and learn new techniques using acrylic paints. They will also learn that experimentation is vital to the creative process. Enjoying the act of painting is just as important as the outcome! Skill level: All.
MARCH 20 - MARCH 21, 2023
585 Park Street Naples, FL (239) 262-6517
Class Title: Abstract & Beyond
3/20/2023-3/21/2023 9AM - 4 PM
This inspiring workshop offers a fundamental exploration of the beauty of an abstract painting. Instruction concentrates on composition, techniques, form, texture, and color. When painting intuitively, a painter may begin with a subject and allow it to transform beyond into a non-objective painting. This workshop will focus on the process of beginning a painting and exploring options to take it “beyond” abstraction. Surfaces will be enhanced with textures made with pastels, water-based crayons, charcoal, and collage. Demonstrations of techniques and tools will offer new ideas to painters. The workshop begins with exercises on a large pad of paper and then small and large canvasses. Skill level: All.
APRIL 5 - APRIL 26, 2023
Center for Visual Arts multi-week workshop
26100 Old 41 Road, Bonita Springs, FL (239) 495-8989
Class Title: Learn Abstract Painting with Acrylics
4 Wednesdays, 4/05/23 – 04/26/23
Have you ever had an interest in abstract painting? Would you like to paint with more freedom or feeling? This inspiring class with instructor Mila Apperlo concentrates on composition, techniques, form, texture and color. Students will develop their own artistic vision, find inspiration in both nature and light and learn new techniques using acrylic paints. They will also learn that experimentation is vital to the creative process. Enjoying the act of painting is just as important as the outcome! Skill level: All.
Gathering the right acrylic painting art supplies is the first step in learning how to paint with acrylics. Below a list of essential acrylic art supplies that you'll need to get started painting.
Acrylic Paint
There are many brands of acrylic paints available. What's the difference? Price and quality. I would generally suggest that you avoid the Student paints. They contain more filler and less pigment, so the results will be less satisfactory than the more superior Artist Quality paints. I personally use Golden, Liquitex, and Winsor-Newton. Here are some important ones:
Red- cadmium light or Pyrolee red
Yellow – cadmium medium or any bright yellow
Blue – ultramarine and phthalo
Green –blue green and a yellow green
Turquoise and/or teal
Violet (or medium magenta)
Titanium White or Gesso - large tube for mixing
Gloss Varnish - Medium
2 canvases: 24x24, 24x30 or 36x36
Two or three of each 1”, 2”and 3” inexpensive brushes, Michaels or hardware store
One or two Long Handle Flat Brushes (Size 10 or 12)
One or two Long Handle Round Brushes (Size 10 or 12)
Liner or Rigger Brush for thin lines
3” Sponge roller, Large palette knife, scrapers and Water Soluble Artist Crayons
1 or 2 Painting Silicone Wedges
18”x24” Watercolor pad (Michaels)
Water Spray Bottle
Containers for water
Paper towels, Apron
Disposable gloves
Masking tape
Supply List:
18”x24” pad of watercolor paper (or 6 sheets) acrylic paints (if buying: avoid BASIC brand)
Small interesting scraps of paper (from magazines, newspaper or old paintings) that fit into a plastic sandwich bag (small pieces for collage)
Mat medium
Acrylic Paint
There are many brands of acrylic paints available. What's the difference? Price and quality. I would generally suggest that you avoid the Student paints. They contain more filler and less pigment, so the results will be less satisfactory than the more superior Artist Quality paints. I personally use Golden, Liquitex, and Winsor-Newton. Here are some important ones:
Red- cadmium light or Pyrolee red
Yellow – cadmium medium or any bright yellow
Blue – ultramarine and phthalo
Green –blue green and a yellow green
Turquoise and/or teal
Violet (or medium magenta)
Titanium White or Gesso - large tube for mixing
Gloss Varnish - Medium
2 canvases: 24x24, 24x30 or 36x36
Two or three of each 1”, 2”and 3” inexpensive brushes, Michaels or hardware store
One or two Long Handle Flat Brushes (Size 10 or 12)
One or two Long Handle Round Brushes (Size 10 or 12)
Liner or Rigger Brush for thin lines
3” Sponge roller, Large palette knife, scrapers and Water Soluble Artist Crayons
1 or 2 Painting Silicone Wedges
Large disposable paper plates for palettes
Water Spray Bottle
Containers for water
Paper towels, Apron
Disposable gloves
Masking tape
Scissorsathering the right acrylic painting art supplies is the first step in learning how to paint with acrylics. Below a list of essential acrylic art supplies that you'll need to get started painting.
Acrylic Paint
There are many brands of acrylic paints available. What's the difference? Price and quality. I would generally suggest that you avoid the Student paints. They contain more filler and less pigment, so the results will be less satisfactory than the more superior Artist Quality paints. I personally use Golden, Liquitex, and Winsor-Newton. Here are some important ones:
Red- cadmium light or Pyrolee red
Yellow – cadmium medium or any bright yellow
Blue – ultramarine and phthalo
Green –blue green and a yellow green
Turquoise and/or teal
Violet (or medium magenta)
Titanium White or Gesso - large tube for mixing
Gloss Varnish - Medium
2 canvases: 24x24, 24x30 or 36x36
Two or three of each 1”, 2”and 3” inexpensive brushes, Michaels or hardware store
One or two Long Handle Flat Brushes (Size 10 or 12)
One or two Long Handle Round Brushes (Size 10 or 12)
Liner or Rigger Brush for thin lines
3” Sponge roller, Large palette knife, scrapers and Water Soluble Artist Crayons
1 or 2 Painting Silicone Wedges
18”x24” Watercolor pad (Michaels)
Water Spray Bottle
Containers for water
Paper towels, Apron
Disposable gloves
Masking tape